*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

< Articles

*All* Men; are 'various' Shades of Brown!

Greetings to you, it is good to be with you again. "Man" has always used his traditional historic background to determine his progressive destiny. To be brief, I will use the term "Man" when speaking about both "Man and Woman" for this article. When it comes to 'Race' I will not differentiate between the more dominant and lesser role involvements. This story is about 'reality' and what it means to be alive today in a world with millions of new meanings for 'old' assumptions. But when it comes to "Man," what exactly is meant by this human terminology?

Let's begin by looking at the "Homo sapiens" genetically through species recognition: "Man:" a human being of either sex, male or female." Many men in their own private interpretation of themselves tend to overload their sensibilities in the 'male' direction. For instance: James D. Watson; Cofounder of the "DNA structure," This gentleman began to enhance his own reputation by granting himself salutations for his illustrious inventive work with genetics. I said this about 'Mr. Watson' because he was notorious in his understanding of genetics and their intricate methods of genetic reproduction.

Mr. Watson viewed himself as quite a selective member of an elite group of specialized people. These people viewed themselves as an 'special' group of individuals. 'Unfortunately,' during an optional DNA test, Mr. Watson tested positive for about 15% 'African Ancestry!" Mr. Watson had spoken often about his disrespect for people of color. So much so that his employment was in jeopardy due to this "diatribe." Little did he know, when making these statements, that he too was among the (approx.) 55% of impure, (or mixed) "white" members of this misnamed group.

This brings me to an important object in this article. An original group of Homo sapiens at the start of humanity on this planet came from a group of Hominids like "Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, and Homo Erectus." If we gathered ourselves even closer down the line, we run into "Neanderthals, and Denisovans." Basing these progressive studies back only some 400,000 years ago, genetic testing science tell us there was yet an unidentified 'unknown' (non-human?) member of this group! Many Professors in some schools have told us the human DNA has many 'junk factors' within. But this may not be junk at all! In this case is it possible that all human beings (of all complexions) on this planet may be 'part unidentified Alien Species?' Man/Woman = Homo sapiens with, transferrable DNA structures!

The masses don't have to use 'racism' as an excuse for predominant ignorance. If we view all types of humanity with a 'jaundiced eye,' it is easy to group many of these individuals negatively. Most of these people live only to raise families and peacefully exist with their neighbors! That's what we all do! Orientals, Middle-easterners, Africans, Australians, Islanders, and East/Western Europeans. Scientifically, on the other hand, specific individual intelligence comes from reading books. The more we read, the more influence we have. 'Book Education,' given the right environment, can produce 'many' important regulations and equitable standards.

Prejudice, racism, education, and even periodic brutality have determined who becomes the 'smartest, and most learned' people in this world. Racism itself, does not interpret the real problem. It is determined by those that have read the most concerning messages about a universally concerning problem. It only indicates the grossly intolerant level of the affected peoples needing a solution. Whether they realized it or not, this subject is still thoroughly manifest in us all. But it effects the many innocent members of society still locked up by its convicting implications and ungodly jurors.

*A Chemical, Psychological View*

I have said in the past that the average "White Man" sees himself (and type), As the only true representative of "God" in existence. Along with this justification comes a 'plethora' of other advantages like a prevailing ''summa cum laude' position on everything from 'nuts to diamonds' in his prevailing life-style. So much so, when one's morality might be somewhat compromised, one could always justify his errant actions by blaming the errors on an 'innocent' or lesser person of 'color!' One that could be maliciously involved! I will only mention a few brain parts concerned with subject guilt criteria:

Frontal Lobe: Emotions, reasoning, and speech. Hypothalamus: Your temperature, emotions, digestion, hunger, sleep. Temporal Lobe: Hearing, memory and Language. Parietal Lobe: Touch, pain, taste. Pituitary: Controls the hormone distribution system. Cerebral Cortex: Voluntary movement, Language, reasoning. Thalamus: Sensory and motor integration. Hippocampus: Stores memories and Language. And briefly, The Brain Stem: Controls breathing, digestion, heart rate, blood pressure, and sexual 'Arousal.'

Now all of these emotions and feelings help to regulate and control our actions, but sexuality, has a very special place. (Chemicals inclusive) This incorporates many basics.

Let us be clear: Sexuality is the greatest attraction in life! Not only can sexuality negatively control lives, but in some cases, it can ruin natural prognostication! The degree at which one operates his/her life can be controlled by a 'false' sense of personal protectionism. This erroneous applied sense is provided by our 'age-old' world structure of "certain people have certain privileges! I say that because for the last I,000 (or so) years, the 'Caucasian' has had his way in earning all facets of communal life, both shared and separate. His communal mind is separated first with education, and secondly, by a society filled with 'financial prowess, lust, and Greed.'

Historically, some have taken many of the 'Psychiatric' proclivities and engineered them into areas that better serve the more affluent in our society. Unfortunately, due to our current pay-scale, most of these people are now known as 'White!' Let me say at this point; there are no "Black, White, Yellow, or Red people" on our planet! I'm a scientist, and every Homo sapiens is some shade of 'Brown!' This differentiation is for 'Whites' that are about six-20 basic shades darker, than actual 'Whiteness.'

As I said, the color White is about six-20 shades lighter than where the lightest people on Earth are. (Isabelline?)'Whites' promoted by deceptive, separatist' moves by those in 'hierarchical' places want to be completely separated from 'Black' people! (As white from Black) We have suffered the worst indignation (through slavery) ever put-upon man, by mostly Male Caucasian people! And not only has the so-called 'Black' people been treated poorly in this world, but also the so-called Yellow, Red, and other non-Caucasoid Brown people have too. The 'separatist' color 'White' was the best separation!

If we attempt to look into the average White 'Man's' unadulterated brain activity, many of his actions have looked somewhat psychotic. Ignoring a true religion, one tends to look at himself in a totally unrealistic mode. That's why we have laws. Many of these laws have thus-far served to corral at times everyone but the guilty. At this present time, these laws are changing to determining the guilty and are culminating in the lock-up of major criminals. In these modern years of our 21st century, we must continue in the search for truth and justice. In our University Studies, we have come across subjects that will indicate the guilt of many somewhat hidden professional individuals.

*An Acute synopsis of Racism*

I think this understanding has been a long time coming! Racism has a plethoric meaning that often leads to the wrong view of its members. To belong to one Race, one must genetically have a single derivative racial background. In this case, we are speaking about 'Blacks and Whites.' In the genetic area, both have a supply of "Melanin" which darkens the skin of both 'White and Black" subjects. Whether you believe in science or not, melanin which only comes in two colors (Dark brown and red) will darken one's skin to a darker shade of Brown under "UV" light. The skin color of whites is somewhere in the very light brown coloration. Therefore, in order to hide himself, a *complete* separation was necessary! (Black & White!)

Adversely, the skin color of the average Black person is dark to light Brown. And, this 'fact' has cost a massive loss of life in the world. This same story goes for all the "Yellows, Reds, and non-Caucasoid browns." Genetic mixing is rampant in parts of this world, further spreading the genetic racial lie. Genetically, the "Brain Stem" (Brain function) allows us to view each other's woman as a mate. This is natural. As there is no "exclusive human skin color" on Earth! It is quite natural to comfort and "sleep" with any single adult female. "All other racial groups" also qualify! Please allow more than "T.V." to justify what's actually going on! This world may have been involved in a complete "psychological" trick!

(A Brief Reminder:) *The family of "Man" Skin Coloration Chart*

Race?Eye Color?Skin Complexion?Black?White?Yell/Red?
Caucasian BR. Bl. Gr. Hz.Very light Brown (Isabelline?)000
AsianBr. Bl. Gr. Hz.Light Brown000
Middle EasternBr. Bl. Gr. Hz.Light/Medium Brown000
AustralianBr. Bl. Gr. Hz.Light/Medium/Dark Brown000
Pacific IslanderBr. Bl. Gr. Hz.Light/Medium/Dark Brown000
African/AmericanBr. Bl. Gr. Hz.Light/Medium/Dark Brown000

*The Truth*

"Worldwide, the so-called 'White Man' has been accused of "Racism." He has 'projected' himself out of the 'Brown Race' in order to separate himself from his original birthright. Due to Human 'Molecular Biology,' this choice will not and cannot work. Biological Chemistry will not surrender. Let us all stand tall in our view of his unjustified choice of word terminology. (White) With dreams of racial superiority!" There is no scientific instrument known to Man, that would identify the Caucasian as "White!"

*Where Are We Now?*

As of now, we can go forth with surprising justifications for the prosecution of previously unjustifiable felons. Let's include 'truth' where falsehood has periodically existed for a majority of minority inhabitants. Let the laws of justice exist where the falsehood of birthrights has lost favor with 'Man's' existential right to quantifiably exist alongside one's neighbors. Where is justice, where is truth, and where is honesty? In this 21st century let us still seek hope! We will find either the truth, or historical indiscriminate destruction may soon find us all. (Again?) It's just a matter of "time."

Some of the world's greatest Physicists, Chemists, Astronomers, and cherished Professionals have managed to say…"I hope we haven't offended anyone!" I may have sadly mentioned some names today, and I apologize to the innocent. But the truth is the light. The average 'White Person' believes a "white lie!" Look in a mirror! Open your science books. And you will see about 1,000 shades of the color brown. If you look very carefully, you'll find one there that looks exactly "like you!" Remember, many "White People," are very busy, unsuccessfully trying to find life somewhere in the universe without 'God!' And todays racial classifications are still genetically incongruent with our reality. There are 'no' Black people, either in 'Africa, The United States, or India!' Many are only dark brown!

*As of Today*

My articles are read in well-over 100 countries. I trust no innocents are offended. Let us not just forget the past and all of its transitional adjustments. But look with a unifying hope for a better future. Many contrite individuals may always be questionable. "Skin Color" is deceptively simple. "Men" get sunburned more often than women, so they tend to be naturally darker in coloration. In addition to Melanin, (for women) the female hormones Estrogen darkens and Progesterone lightens the skin.

The Epidermis (upper skin) requires more melanin to transition vitamin "D" into the system from the sun. (Folic acid) African- Americans, Middle Easterners, Islanders, Australians, Latinos, and Asians have less of a problem than some of the lighter Caucasian group(s) with sun tanning, but most still tan. Melanocytes, a stored dark brown to red pigment, releases upon "UV" ray induction, and darkens the skin to facilitate this release. Without question: "All men" (and women) are various shades of "Brown!" Thus, enhancing the chemical reaction.

*Color for Everyone! From the year 1795* (Germany)

Separation may have been intended? Dr. Johann F. Blumenbach 1752-1840 (In charge - Germany) gave "Color?" to the races! However, the separatist Human skin colors of "Black, White, Yellow, and Red" were either colorblind entries or "political lies!" We did not need "phony" colors to further 'separate' us! The environment, (The Sun, not Man) both "lightens and darkens" us all! This is what 'Blumenbach' accomplished with his elaborate 'separatist' Color definitions of human skull remains. In a contest of 5 naked skull's he was judging, he then chose the skull of a "Caucasian" female, (as his favorite) and called her race "White!" (This was the start of all racist skin colors) But "White," is still only a "dream!" ******

To make a scientific article more exact there is other molecular information available. White = (With Sun, black body illumination) 'Grossman's laws.' Black = Color & Design, Hex Triplet #000000. An absolute "Black or White" person would surely suffer and die from "over, or under" exposure prematurely. I believe most of today's 'Color' syndrome is a political "lie!" Everyone, "wake up" (all races) and be 'whatever' color you 'actually are!' Mixed races are 'Biological Hybrids.' These mixtures are all complexions and will show an effective 'force' in the 21st Century. Interestingly, about 80% of all present 'African Americans' (no matter how dark) have 'inherited' some evolutionary European ancestry!

*And Lastly,*

In my view, the pseudo 'difference' in the *current* complexion rating of people (worldwide) has caused psychological, and at times dehumanizing events. (Due to false Black, White, Yellow, and Red comparisons) The Human Family is: "All Various shades of "Brown!" All Men and Women, should advance naturally 'in peace, 'with permanently endowed, non-separatist, 'Human equality!' A study from 'Stanford University' says we're all 99.9% identical! And we're all members of only 'one' species! Stay well.

"Calling a Very light-Skinned Brown Man 'White,' is an "imprecise psychological trick!"
H.W. Tartt
"Dark skin is not Black, and Light skin is not White!"
*People of the world, stop fighting! "United we stand, divided we fall"

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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